Thursday, May 5, 2016

Legislative Update

      I’m sure you’ve been waiting breathlessly so I wrote a summary of this year’s session of the General Assembly. It’s not very elegant but hopefully it’s informative.
      Next year Haslam may ask for an increase in the gas tax. That could be the most important turning point in dealing with transportation in Tennessee in a generation. The issue of dedicated funding for mass transit will be part of the discussion. I’m afraid that the idea of restricting it’s use for biking facilities will also reappear. The current distribution of gas tax revenues to local cities and counties screws the urban areas. Changing that formula should be part of the input from our city government. When and if the increase is implemented (I don’t have much faith in Haslam) we should demand that Nashville use it for transit, biking and walking. No new $ for cars.

Carey Rogers, Walk/Bike Nashville
Opinions stated here, of course, are my own.

Friday, March 4, 2016

March Update From Fred Rogers

     Thanks for passing along this information from Leslie.  More importantly, thanks for the North Central Hendersonville Bike/Ped Plan.  I can see that a substantial amount of effort was involved in the development of this plan.  In light of this effort as well as the expertise of you and your group we will study this document very closely as we move forward with the provision of bike and pedestrian accommodations in this growing and evolving area of the City. We will probably want to meet with you after we have had a chance to thoroughly review your Plan and to compare with our ideas for this area. 
     We are also in the planning mode for the Saundersville Rd corridor.  As development extends eastward from the library, we are requiring the developers to extend the trail/greenway along the railroad.  It will soon connect to Stop 30 Rd.  East of Stop 30 Rd, the developer of Bridgemill is constructing the greenway.  Ultimately, it will extend all the way to 386.  The developer of Millstone will soon construct a bike/ped trail all along the Saundersville Rd frontage of this development. The County is expected to start construction of a bike trail from the Lower Station Camp Creek Rd greenway over the creek and along the TVA easement to Cannons Crossing Dr. in Saundersville Station Saundersville Station Subdivision. We are developing plans to connect this segments. 
     Also, FYI, we have asked Rogers Group to construct a trail along the creek from Lower Station Camp Creek Rd just south of the railroad to Gallatin Pike.  This will allow bicyclists using the Lower Station Camp Creek Rd greenway to by-pass the Rogers Group plant and other intensive activities on this section of Lower Station Camp Creek Rd.
    One more FYI, the Sanders Ferry project is making good progress.  We hope to advertise for construction late this spring or early summer.  
Fred D. Rogers, Director
Hendersonville Planning Department

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Hendersonville Update from Fred Rogers

Bike Trail Update, January 21, 2016

The City has secured additional funds for the Sanders Ferry Bike Trail Project.  The trail (off-road) portion will extend from Main St to Mallard Point Park (across from Nottingham Apartments).  This portion will follow the water’s edge.  Some of it will actually be over the water in the form of an aluminum boardwalk and bridge.  This is by necessity and it is very expensive.  But this is the right way to do it.  It will be something we can be very proud of.

From Mallard Point a bike route (share the road) will extend a short distance down to Hickory Heights and from there down Lakeside Park and Curtis Cross Rd to Sanders Ferry Park.  Our Engineer has just re-submitted the construction plans to TDOT after making adjustments requested by TDOT.  Once we receive TDOT’s approval we will go through the process of certifying that we have all the right of way and easements we need.  We already have Corps of Engineers’ approval to place the trail on their property.  The bike route will be on city street right of way.  So, we hope this step will not take too long.  We hope to receive approval to advertise for bids this spring.

Once this project is completed, we will pursue additional funds to construct bike lanes along Sanders Ferry from Mallard Point Park to Sanders Ferry Park.  This will require major widening of Sanders Ferry Rd and acquisition of ROW.  This will be very expensive. 

In a related project, the City has secured federal funds and has hired an engineer to prepare plans for widening Drakes Creek Rd from 386 to past Stop 30.   This will include providing bike/ped accommodations  on Indian Lake Blvd across the 386 bridge.  We are also looking at the best way to extend the bike trail from Veterans Park to Durham.  We are coordinating these two efforts.

Feel free to pass this along to your bikers group.

Your input regarding  what additional grants we might qualify for and receive Aldermen support for is welcome.  There is a lot of expertise and knowledge within your group and I would appreciate your help.    

Fred D. Rogers, Director
Hendersonville Planning Department
101 Maple Dr. N. Hendersonville, TN

I forgot to mention in my previous email that Chip Moore and the Public Works Department plan to paint 3-4 feet wide bike lanes with bike lane pavement markings the entire length of Wessington Drive (New Shackle Island Rd to Scotch St near Whitten Elementary)in conjunction with Hendersonville Utility District’s plans to replace utilities in Wessington Drive and to re-surface it.

Also, the City plans to paint bike lanes on Bonita from E. Main St to the 3-way stop at Waterview Dr. These projects will add over 2.5 miles of bike lane to the City.

About 3 months ago we added a bike route with signs and sharrows to Luna Ln from Lakeside Park Dr to Walton Ferry.  On Imperial Dr from Walton Ferry to Sanders Ferry we replaced the center turn lane with bike lanes except at the intersections.  This was done to increase the connectivity and impact of the Sanders Ferry Bike Trail Project.  It helped to secure the additional funds for this project as mentioned in my previous email and to secure TDOT’s approval to move forward.   

Fred D. Rogers

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Long Hollow Pike Corridor Study

During the past year there has been a great deal of discussion at both the Sumner County Planning commission as well as at the meetings of the full County Commissioners about what direction development ought to take along the Long Hollow Pike Corridor.  

The issues most discussed have been how to deal with or plan for
  • Storm water flooding 
  • Traffic congestion
  • Density of new housing developments
  • Desired quality of life improvements, such as multimodal streets, greenways, walk/bike ways to schools, parks, businesses, etc.
The County Commission has recently approved funding and selected and the Walker Collaborative to assist with developing the vision as well as proposing zoning and infrastructure guidelines for this corridor.  Attached is a copy of their bid proposal.  This was provided by Dr. Bill Taylor to citizens in subdivisions along Long Hollow Pike that have been active in the discussions.  Dr. Taylor, with help and input from several other Commissioners, has taken the lead to thoughtfully plan for rather than merely react to the continued high rate of development in this part of Sumner County.  

You will see that multimodal projects are mentioned but more in passing than deliberate.  It seems to me that Hendersonville, Sumner County and surrounding communities ought to be coordinating development and infrastructure improvements.  But perhaps that is asking too much.

Nevertheless, I want to make you aware of this planning effort.  I certainly will try to convey how important this corridor is for runners, walkers, and especially cyclists.  But challenge do we develop more safe, connected and ridable bikeways?

Dave Shumaker,

David,  thanks for your email. 

I happy and excited to inform all of you that we are moving on with the planning of the Long Hollow Pike area that you mentioned in your email. Last week, the County Commission voted to appropriate up to $160,000 to fund this stage of planning. This week,we selected the firm of Walker and Associates to begin the planning  process (the Proposal).  This is a new progressive step in Sumner County that has never been taken before, but as we all know is imperative.  Please thank your commissioners for making this happen.

Philip Walker, with the Walker Collaborative  has 2 masters from Uni of Fla and Harvard,  will be leading the effort (attached is his presentation to us).  His team will have architects, economists, transportation experts, and civil engineers all working together to develop a plan for the growth area of Sumner County.  In addition, he will be asking for many of the local residents for their input before the plan is ever finalized.  Everyone will have the opportunity to participate and be heard.  His team also will help us update the county’s current and outdated zoning regulations to help us plan our growth.  This entire process may take 6-12 months but in the end, we all will be pleased with the results.

I am confident that with proper planning, we can help direct the growth of Sumner County in a manner that will make us proud and hopefully avoid the problems that result from poor or no planning. 

F. William Taylor DDS,MS

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


From: Bikers Choice Sent: December 29, 2015
I have a few idea/opportunities and would like to run them by you.
From Alderman Scout Sprouse:
·         Sanders Ferry Peninsula project has been cleared and should be underway soon.
·         New "sharrows" were put in on Luna lane.   

  • Working with Waterford Crossing to Greenway/Bikeway connect Imperial to Lakeside allowing connectivity to the new Boardwalk. I have already talked with their developer and he is interested.  
  • Working on a bridge design to go over Gallatin rd at Memorial Park into Drakes Creek. My survey of 10 to 15 people locals love the idea. I have examples
  • Adding a rumble strip to the existing bike lane on Gallatin Rd East to protect the bike lane??
  • Painting bike lanes on Gallatin rd west, in front of my store.  
  • Bikeway signage on Indian lake loop?? Bike to School Program (Ellis Middle)
  • Bikeway connectivity to Durham Farms,  Update.
  • Warrior Trail Signage(parks is a go, just need a good plan

From: Tom Evans Sent: December 31, 2015
1) I am disappointed to learn that the Sanders Ferry Greenway is only going to Imperial Blvd.  The most significant need are the three water crossings.  However, I expected these water-crossings would be budget-busters.   However, it is good that the City at least starts somewhere.

2) The TDOT 95% Grant money was for $1 Million and your bridge idea over Gallatin could have qualified for funding.  However, I am concerned about the politics of the idea and think it needs a LOT more citizen input before you can get Hendersonville City Hall on-board.

3) For painting projects like the bicycle stripes in from of your store, you need to watch plans for road improvement/maintenance.  If bundled in this job the city gets them for free.  However, this striping can be included in future Active transportation Grants from the MPO.  This is 80/20 money; so, if is going to have to get on some Hendersonville “wish list.”  Very important is that whenever bike lanes be added to Gallatin Rd they be done according to TDOT TM-11 specification

4) Some of the Indian Lake Loop has “Share the Road” signs, if that is what you are requesting.  They were erected as a result of requests from the Walk/Bike Review Committee established by Mayor Fuqua under a 2003 Ordinance. Many have been vandalized and at least one has been removed.  For Bike to School programs, those are best established through Parent/Teacher Associations.  You are in the best position to have the appropriate contact to petition for that.

5)  Bikeway connectivity to Durham Farms.  Yes, an update would be timely.  Back in the 2007 we were putting our focus on extending the Greenway along Drakes Creek from Veterans Park all the way to Long Hollow Pike.  This brings up another Bike/Ped issue. 

6) I am not sure what Warrior Trail signage that you want.  I am more concerned about the inadequate signage in terms of safety at the Greenway crossing on Saundersville Road.  For proper identification all the City needs to do is look at what was done for the Lower Station Camp crossing at the bridge. 

From: Bruce Day Sent: January 03, 2016

David, Thank you for your continued work toward improving cycling conditions in Hendersonville. Comments:
1. Do not add rumbles to protect the marked bike lanes on Gallatin Rd east (East main) unless the existing rumbles can be paved over.

2. Re-stripe Imperial to remove the center turn lane and add bike lanes to each side.

3. Paint sharrows and place "Bikes may use entire Right Lane" signs along the squeeze on Main Street from Sanders Ferry to New Shackle Island Road.

4. Traffic calming on the entirety of Sanders Ferry road. It can begin by strict and consistent enforcement of current speed limit but could also have road crossings like those on Lower Station Camp Road greenway crossing at Imperial and perhaps from Nottingham to Mallard Point.   Sidewalks along Sanders Ferry would be very nice.